Census From Home Challenge


Taking the 2020 Census   

Stuck at home? …nothing to do?… Take 10 minutes to get funding for our community — get your census form done, and join the #2020CensusFromHome challenge…

GO TO: www.my2020census.gov to complete the Census and share your experience on social media to spread the word.

If you don’t have a Census ID to enter at the start of the questionnaire form, you can find it on the invitation that was mailed to you last week — see examples here.

An accurate count of all communities is more important than ever as the country navigates through this pandemic. Not only does it help ensure equal representation in Congress but it helps determine how much federal funding is distributed to our community!

Update on 2020 Census Operations

The Census Bureau continues to carefully monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and follow the guidance of federal, state, and local health authorities.  The Bureau is adjusting some operations with two key principles in mind: 1) protecting the health and safety of our staff and the public, and 2) fulfilling our statutory requirement to deliver the 2020 Census counts to the President on schedule.

Source:  https://2020census.gov/en/news-events/press-kits/covid-19.html

