Looking for a Permit?


If you have any questions regarding permits or City Ordinances before you begin any construction projects, please be sure to contact SAFEbuilt* by phone at (269) 729-9244, or email to athensmi@safebuilt.com.

Many of the required permit applications and other related forms can be downloaded from our downloads page (Google Drive folder) …OR… from SAFEbuilt’s permit applications page.

Do I Need a Building Permit?

Alternatively, you may call City Hall at (269) 273-1075 or stop by (at 333 W. Michigan Ave.) Monday through Friday (except holidays) during business hours to pick up, inquire about, or pay for permit applications in person.

If you are a new business (or an existing business relocating in Three Rivers), please refer to our New Business page …or go directly to our zoning review form for a no-cost review for an address or parcel of interest.

If you are a resident or business planning on new construction or remodeling, and you are not already familiar with the permitting process and applicable ordinances, please refer to our

Guide to Development.!

Additional information can be found on our Building & Zoning page.

* City Zoning Administrator and Building Official (formerly, Cornerstone Inspection Services)
